Yesterday the stars must have been aligned. We had fantastic weather, lots of sunlight, cooperative work schedules, and a semi cooperative child ;) Rob and I have been trying to get together for a LONG time to get some new pictures of Aubrey... (the last ones that I took were for Christmas cards, so we were way overdue)...but it was a much more difficult feat to achieve than one may imagine. Yesterday however, things worked out perfectly and we were able to meet up at Hibernia for a couple hours and snapped some frames. In the beginning things started a little rough, Miss Aubrey wasn't exactly the happiest camper in the park...but after some carrots, juice, and some other meal that resembled a baby version of perogies we were able to get some happy snaps. Big shout out to Rob for dancing around like a fool to get some big smiles out of his little lady ...nice work dude! :)
Here's a few that I came home with...enjoy!