This post is well past a year overdue...I actually shot this wedding back in October of 2013. Shortly afterwards, I learned that it was going to be published on Style Me Pretty. It's fairly common for nationally recognized wedding blogs to ask that the images to be kept under wraps until the feature goes live on their own blog (they like to make sure they are publishing unique content). Anyway, it took nearly 12 weeks for them to post the feature, which by that time Shauna and I were literally sitting in a hospital room working through the delivery of our son. So, the SMP feature went live in March of 2014 (check it out here) and we were almost simultaneously, heading home with Rider. Needless to say the next couple of months were filled with the craziness, sleep deprivation and euphoria of having a newborn in the house...and so everything else took a backseat. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of the 2014 wedding season and was struggling to find the time to blog everything I wanted to.
Fast forward to today, the doldrums of winter have set in and things are pretty quiet around here so I've found some time to finally get a post together from this wedding. It needed to be done, I absolutely LOVED this family and the day that they put was one of my absolute favorites from 2013.
And so's a bit of what Alexa and Jeff's day looked like.