I recently purchased a Fuji Klasse S, which is a small pocketable point and shoot camera that shoots 35mm film. I have fallen head over heels in love with this little thing. I love that I can throw it in a jacket pocket and have it with me anywhere I go...I've always felt a little strange taking a big professional looking camera into random everyday places like the grocery store or the post office but this changes that and allows me to feel way more comfortable shooting in places I never would have before. I think there is also a certain degree of artistic freedom that one feels when using a point and shoot camera...it breaks photography down to its purest and most basic form and thus takes some of the seriousness away allowing (me at least) to feel more liberated in what I choose to shoot. Not to mention it has an absolutely killer little lens on it. Anyway, I'm sure you all don't particularly care to hear me ramble on about my infatuation with my new toy...so lets get on to a few photos that I've taken with it over the past few weeks.