Northward from McWay Falls. Big Sur, California.

I don't usually partake in the Throwback Thursday phenomenon...but today is Thursday and coincidentally, I happen to be sharing a semi-throwback shot from our California trip this past July.  On our drive back to San Francisco from Yosemite, Shauna's Dad wanted to take a little detour and drive a few hours further south so that we could pickup the PCH and head up the coast to San Fran while passing through Big Sur on the way.  It was a long day in the car, especially for Rider so we stopped periodically along the way.  McWay Falls is a pretty popular spot in Big Sur and Shauna and I skipped it when we drove through on our honeymoon so we all decided that would be a good spot to stop and stretch our legs a bit. McWay Falls itself is gorgeous, a coastal Garden of Eden that looks like it was plucked right out of a scene from the movie The Beach...but it has been photographed millions of times mostly all from the same vantage point because you can't (or aren't supposed to) access the beach itself.  You can only see it from a pathway built into the hillside.  If you continue a bit further up the path past the falls you are treated to this equally stunning and lesser known view looking north up the coast.

If you are looking for a unique and special gift for someone on your Christmas shopping list, I have over one hundred landscapes that I have shot all over the country that make for great wall art.  This image and others from my landscape portfolio can be purchased here.

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